latest 10 messages by larryebaum

+ [2014-10-04T19:34:42Z] larryebaum thanks… gotta run.. will prob be back later… thanks for helping… :)
+ [2014-10-04T19:29:57Z] larryebaum I'dve hoped that if it loaded locally, it would load on gh…
+ [2014-10-04T19:29:18Z] larryebaum Checking into: The submodule `_theme_packages/twitter` was not properly initialized with a `.gitmodules` file.
+ [2014-10-04T19:23:19Z] larryebaum no effect from removing..
+ [2014-10-04T19:18:25Z] larryebaum debug.rb? would that have gotten there from the theme? delete and repush?
+ [2014-10-04T19:11:55Z] larryebaum repushed to origin master and no joy...
+ [2014-10-04T19:11:40Z] larryebaum whereas on localhost:4000 all is as expected..
+ [2014-10-04T19:11:09Z] larryebaum oddly, nothing displays at
+ [2014-10-04T19:01:13Z] larryebaum
+ [2014-10-04T19:00:55Z] larryebaum jekyll n00b here… created site and changed theme, working locally… pushed to github, initially worked but not with theme change… confused…