latest 20 messages by ldc

+ [2015-12-04T16:49:57Z] ldc shouldn't it fetch s3 links?
+ [2015-12-04T16:49:14Z] ldc hello! I have a repo with git lfs on, but when I git clone it I'm actually downloading all files :/
+ [2015-08-19T02:31:31Z] ldc creating an issue myself looks ugly :D
+ [2015-08-19T02:27:30Z] ldc how do you manage that?
+ [2015-08-19T02:27:27Z] ldc hi, sometimes I really with github had a todo-list per project
+ [2015-08-15T21:11:17Z] ldc :)
+ [2015-08-15T21:11:10Z] ldc ivali: click on the + button
+ [2015-08-12T12:32:19Z] ldc if he subscribes to github with a company mail address?
+ [2015-08-12T12:32:14Z] ldc is there a way to automatically add a user to an organization
+ [2015-08-12T12:32:08Z] ldc hello
+ [2015-07-30T23:21:45Z] ldc ok thanks
+ [2015-07-30T23:21:24Z] ldc can I delete my fork now?
+ [2015-07-30T23:21:18Z] ldc then pull request and it was accepted
+ [2015-07-30T23:21:12Z] ldc I've cloned a repo and commited something
+ [2015-07-30T23:21:06Z] ldc hello, noob question
+ [2015-07-07T00:07:42Z] ldc why github why
+ [2015-07-07T00:07:41Z] ldc One of our mostly harmless robots seems to think you are not a human.
+ [2015-07-05T12:43:49Z] ldc :)
+ [2015-07-05T12:04:40Z] ldc yay I did it
+ [2015-07-05T12:00:58Z] ldc thanks :)