latest 14 messages by lehrblogger

+ [2013-12-11T03:02:59Z] lehrblogger Hi, I'm trying to generate multi-paragraph footnotes with rdiscount, but it keeps interpretting subsequent indented paragraphs as code blocks. Is there a way to disable this, or maybe there's somethinh else I'm doing wrong?
+ [2013-06-16T23:08:14Z] lehrblogger RobW_ ok, thanks, i'll take a look
+ [2013-06-16T21:39:16Z] lehrblogger Is there a way to run a Jekyll dev server that renders the templates as they are requested?
+ [2013-06-16T21:39:04Z] lehrblogger This is great, some template changes affect many output files, so it can be a bit slow.
+ [2013-06-16T21:39:01Z] lehrblogger Hi, I've been using Jekyll's built-in dev server, which watches for changes and re-generates files automatically.
+ [2013-06-13T23:09:34Z] lehrblogger sigh, oh well, lesson learned
+ [2013-06-13T23:09:30Z] lehrblogger so i would generate them in one tab, and then i'd watch them disappear in Finder from the task in another tab, but figured they were getting removed later in the generate task instead
+ [2013-06-13T23:08:54Z] lehrblogger *another terminal tab
+ [2013-06-13T23:08:47Z] lehrblogger jaybe: just to follow up (in case this is logged somewhere and googled for later…), the problem was i had octopress's preview running in another tab, and had forgotten to restart it to use the new plugin
+ [2013-06-13T22:06:43Z] lehrblogger and im not really sure how this plugin was supposed to work in the first place
+ [2013-06-13T22:06:28Z] lehrblogger i've been looking at how jekyll does cleanup and writing in site.rb
+ [2013-06-13T22:06:07Z] lehrblogger jaybe: yeah, everything else seems to work fine
+ [2013-06-13T21:17:14Z] lehrblogger hi, i'm trying to use, and when i run `rake generate` jekyll seems to write the expected static files, but then it deletes them