latest 20 messages by lemonlake

+ [2017-04-06T01:25:42Z] lemonlake the glory of git :)
+ [2017-04-06T01:25:39Z] lemonlake merge conflict resolution, multiple users
+ [2017-04-06T01:25:31Z] lemonlake distributed, secure, revert to anything any time
+ [2017-04-06T01:25:12Z] lemonlake version control system
+ [2017-04-06T01:19:04Z] lemonlake and you have the safety of VCS
+ [2017-04-06T01:18:55Z] lemonlake as long as you're fine with them being public (unless you have a paid github account)
+ [2017-04-06T01:18:43Z] lemonlake if you know how to make a decent workflow, then its not less efficient at all
+ [2017-04-06T01:14:49Z] lemonlake ThePortWhisperer: fork this i suppose:
+ [2017-04-05T01:34:50Z] lemonlake kaiser: awesome!
+ [2017-04-05T01:28:06Z] lemonlake you could also try forcing a pages rebuild by pushing an empty commit: `git commit -m 'rebuild pages' --allow-empty`
+ [2017-04-05T01:27:04Z] lemonlake kaiser: might be a caching problem? try clearing the cache or forcing a hard reload on your site
+ [2017-04-05T01:25:34Z] lemonlake for more info, see
+ [2017-04-05T01:25:18Z] lemonlake also all github searches are entirely case insensitive
+ [2017-04-05T01:24:52Z] lemonlake for your specific scenario, `kernel NOT linux`
+ [2017-04-05T01:24:41Z] lemonlake exclude keywords by prefixing them with `NOT`
+ [2017-04-05T01:24:31Z] lemonlake norspctNapologys: hi, still there?
+ [2017-04-02T10:49:25Z] lemonlake roxlu: can confirm, report the bug to
+ [2017-03-18T17:01:38Z] lemonlake and dont push that local branch of course
+ [2017-03-18T17:01:34Z] lemonlake so just merge all the PRs into a local branch instead of master
+ [2017-03-18T17:01:23Z] lemonlake yeah that covers it