latest 20 messages by libreman

+ [2014-09-09T20:01:23Z] libreman jaybe, thanks bye
+ [2014-09-09T19:51:20Z] libreman or is it poorly coded ?
+ [2014-09-09T19:51:14Z] libreman do you like my site ?
+ [2014-09-09T19:45:18Z] libreman and i created this
+ [2014-09-09T19:45:10Z] libreman I started learning html a week ago
+ [2014-09-09T19:45:00Z] libreman jaybe, ok ; do you run a site ?
+ [2014-09-09T19:29:59Z] libreman why did you choose a static site generator?
+ [2014-09-09T19:22:07Z] libreman I think i would learn markdown instead of rst then
+ [2014-09-09T19:18:41Z] libreman do we have to learn markdown know ?
+ [2014-09-09T19:18:30Z] libreman HTML is a markup language
+ [2014-09-09T19:18:19Z] libreman what is markdown ?
+ [2014-09-09T19:16:28Z] libreman those are docs ?
+ [2014-09-09T19:15:06Z] libreman do you suggest a book ?
+ [2014-09-09T19:14:16Z] libreman jaybe, so if one is already using pelican or inclined towards it then he must not look into jekyll ?