latest 20 messages by lilwiz

+ [2017-02-24T15:20:19Z] lilwiz And I can freely import it elsewhere on the website.
+ [2017-02-22T19:28:27Z] lilwiz is jekyllrb having connection issues? Seems very slow (browsing the docs atm)
+ [2016-06-25T08:51:23Z] lilwiz Sorry for pm'ing you without asking.
+ [2016-06-25T08:51:16Z] lilwiz alright, I'll look into that, thanks!
+ [2016-06-25T08:40:14Z] lilwiz Bundler that is
+ [2016-06-25T08:39:39Z] lilwiz What you are saying is that I need a gem source file, correct?
+ [2016-06-25T08:37:25Z] lilwiz Is it needed though? I mean the site rendered fine up until a point where it decided not to load an additional page I made.
+ [2016-06-25T08:32:12Z] lilwiz just a sec, need to check the gem info you asked me
+ [2016-06-25T08:31:04Z] lilwiz blog/portfolio
+ [2016-06-25T08:30:58Z] lilwiz a user page, portfolio
+ [2016-06-25T08:30:48Z] lilwiz No, I use standard git
+ [2016-06-25T08:30:25Z] lilwiz I get no errors in git and I can't see any difference in files, size, date etc, they are all the same
+ [2016-06-25T08:29:58Z] lilwiz Anyone know what could be wrong if your local version of a jekyll site is displaying something but the github-version (exactly cloned and all) is showing a different version?
+ [2016-04-05T17:58:00Z] lilwiz Yeah I'm out of ideas somiaj, sorry! Best of luck though in finding the solution. Perhaps do a write up of it :)
+ [2016-04-05T17:31:38Z] lilwiz elimik31, I was the one who told you that ;)
+ [2016-04-05T17:26:53Z] lilwiz Try adding it in the front matter of your
+ [2016-04-05T17:25:53Z] lilwiz somiaj, you should try it, I found this post when I searched for a solution for you:
+ [2016-04-05T17:23:53Z] lilwiz Or rather in the front matter of the toc.
+ [2016-04-05T17:23:23Z] lilwiz somiaj, have you tried using permalink: short-urls-jekyll in _config?
+ [2016-04-05T17:05:43Z] lilwiz I'll have a look now somiaj.