latest 15 messages by linarcx

+ [2020-04-10T18:00:38Z] linarcx Actually I've closed this one. But i want to completely delete that pr:
+ [2020-04-10T17:56:20Z] linarcx There should be an option that let users to delete closed PRs.
+ [2020-04-10T17:55:38Z] linarcx I sent my resume containg my whole Pull request page. And i don't want, they can watch these bad pull request.
+ [2020-04-10T17:54:29Z] linarcx About previous issue, those notificaitons disappeard after 2 hours automatically.
+ [2020-04-10T17:54:00Z] linarcx I closed it. but again. I don't like to see it again :)
+ [2020-04-10T17:49:27Z] linarcx
+ [2020-04-10T17:49:18Z] linarcx Someone here said that it's possible to send an email to:`` and ask them to delete a PR. Is it possible?
+ [2020-04-10T15:49:32Z] linarcx I know. But this message still exists whenever i watch the repo.
+ [2020-04-10T15:37:07Z] linarcx I know upstram won't merge my PR, I just want to push it on my remote.
+ [2020-04-10T15:33:54Z] linarcx It bother me. Even if you want pushed lots of chnages without creating PRs for them.
+ [2020-04-10T15:30:39Z] linarcx It's not a pop-up actually and you can't get rid of it.
+ [2020-04-10T15:30:20Z] linarcx nedbat: something like this:
+ [2020-04-10T15:27:53Z] linarcx No, but shows me an pop-up always. It bother me. How get rid of it?
+ [2020-04-10T15:23:45Z] linarcx this is the command that i use: `git push -u origin foo`
+ [2020-04-10T15:23:30Z] linarcx Hi. i setup upstream and origin remotes for local fork. I want to push only on my fork(origin) without creating pull request for me on github. How do that?