latest 20 messages by linuxboy

+ [2014-10-21T12:08:56Z] linuxboy something like this would be rad:
+ [2014-10-21T12:07:55Z] linuxboy pontiki: but then you end up with an ugly looking loop
+ [2014-10-21T12:07:42Z] linuxboy jbleuzen: to cleanup teh whitespace afterwards?
+ [2014-10-21T11:54:14Z] linuxboy sometimes for loops and stuff leaves a mess of whitespace
+ [2014-10-21T11:54:05Z] linuxboy so, is there a way in jekyll to make it tidy up whitespace?
+ [2014-10-21T09:52:13Z] linuxboy I think it's rvm's fault
+ [2014-10-21T09:43:49Z] linuxboy thanks though
+ [2014-10-21T09:43:48Z] linuxboy I'll keep poking at it
+ [2014-10-21T09:00:33Z] linuxboy still get the same issue :/
+ [2014-10-21T09:00:27Z] linuxboy cool, I have the latest xcode
+ [2014-10-21T07:41:45Z] linuxboy that's... old
+ [2014-10-21T07:41:34Z] linuxboy Xcode 3.2.6
+ [2014-10-21T07:36:49Z] linuxboy I googled a bit, I have no idea