latest 20 messages by linuxtm

+ [2015-04-16T22:22:46Z] linuxtm doesn't worth it, I'll just leave it as it is, I'm just glad that I've got rid of crappy Wordpress
+ [2015-04-16T22:21:58Z] linuxtm so even I was to go with the /posts/year/date/postname/ in the URL, I'll still have to edit the home page to adjust the link to every single post
+ [2015-04-16T22:20:48Z] linuxtm I guess I'll just settle with the mess in the root directory lol
+ [2015-04-16T22:20:26Z] linuxtm jaybe, if that wasn't enough to deal with, I've just realized that on the home page, I have a table containing /postname URLs to over 300 articles :))
+ [2015-04-16T21:37:56Z] linuxtm I was reading about something similar on github issues, but can't remember the link ('cuz you know, it's hard to add a bookmark)
+ [2015-04-16T21:37:06Z] linuxtm yeah, that's the challenge :)
+ [2015-04-16T21:36:45Z] linuxtm since the real links will probably be fetched by google
+ [2015-04-16T21:36:11Z] linuxtm but I'm also concerned about SEO if I'll implement this approach
+ [2015-04-16T21:35:33Z] linuxtm well, that's what I was saying above, get rewriting the rules in .htaccess so the /posts/ will never actually be shown
+ [2015-04-16T21:26:16Z] linuxtm I am aware that the real links will be the actual path of the file on the server, but again, as long as it's not reflected in the URL, I don't mind
+ [2015-04-16T21:23:55Z] linuxtm as long as it doesn't show in the url I'm fine with that
+ [2015-04-16T21:22:47Z] linuxtm a rewrite rule in .htaccess might remove the /posts/ part from the url, I'll try that :)
+ [2015-04-16T21:21:40Z] linuxtm hmm, maybe with a Rewrite rule from .htaccess ?
+ [2015-04-16T21:21:02Z] linuxtm this is strictly for organization, I don't like 300 folders in the site's root directory :)
+ [2015-04-16T21:20:03Z] linuxtm I do want them in a single folder, but I don't want that to be reflected in the URL
+ [2015-04-16T21:18:47Z] linuxtm I don't want it like: baseurl/posts/postname
+ [2015-04-16T21:18:33Z] linuxtm I've already figured permalinks, my problem is that I can't figure how to make posts to be generated inside a "posts" folder instead of root directory of the site without messing up the permalink
+ [2015-04-16T21:16:41Z] linuxtm already gone through that thank you :)