latest 20 messages by lmmx

+ [2016-08-15T19:00:01Z] lmmx no no i'm quite aware, thanks a lot :)
+ [2016-08-15T18:52:42Z] lmmx sorry, you've helped me enough now, that's fine. Still not resolved but thanks for the tips
+ [2016-08-15T18:52:06Z] lmmx if I set up AWS micro tier thingymajig I can do this then I guess?
+ [2016-08-15T18:51:46Z] lmmx hm yeah..
+ [2016-08-15T18:48:47Z] lmmx @salty-horse I've a few GitHub apps on my phone and one of them always shows the line-numbered markdown so I think there must be yeah...
+ [2016-08-15T18:44:33Z] lmmx not sure where might have that expertise - there's a vaguely relevant question on GitHub webhooks on StackExchange but no answers
+ [2016-08-15T18:44:03Z] lmmx @jhass: hm, yes, it's all a bit daunting really. I get the principle, I run scientific literature monitoring bots on cron, but that "giving a publicly accessible service" which confuses me. I'm still wondering whether I can use some arbitrary service as a go-between, like IFTTT, Zapier, etc.
+ [2016-08-15T18:36:30Z] lmmx @jhass I'd like to think it would be possible to set up a webhook interface that doesn't require an entire web server, but maybe I'm naive...
+ [2016-08-15T18:35:59Z] lmmx @jhass I just used and get the idea of what I want from the server now. I use Linux and have used scientific computing clusters/servers, I'm just a bit confused as to how I do one myself (and whether I can cheat and use managed services that take away the hassle here)
+ [2016-08-15T18:34:52Z] lmmx @jhass I started setting up AWS the other week, the complexity of it was overwhelming to try and comprehend alongside my studies though so I can't really say I have a server, no, but I think I could get one running
+ [2016-08-15T18:06:28Z] lmmx could anyone advise what I'd need to set up in order to use webhooks? I've never "done servers" before but want to have the POST request fire off some events when I update the wiki
+ [2015-11-13T00:29:01Z] lmmx jesus I finally did it - storing keys in keychain with `ssh-add -k ~/.ssh/id_rsa` - not on the guides anywhere -_-
+ [2015-11-13T00:22:50Z] lmmx running ssh -T in a fresh terminal doesn't work..
+ [2015-11-13T00:22:05Z] lmmx eugh.. no.. so yeah that worked, but then I try and git clone a repo and get publickey error
+ [2015-11-13T00:20:21Z] lmmx tysmmmmm :))))
+ [2015-11-13T00:20:12Z] lmmx O.o
+ [2015-11-13T00:19:49Z] lmmx omg it worked
+ [2015-11-13T00:16:28Z] lmmx will give it a shot
+ [2015-11-13T00:16:20Z] lmmx instructions I used said ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 :-[
+ [2015-11-13T00:15:17Z] lmmx 4096 SHA256:Ja/Rc1SQ... (RSA)