latest 20 messages by lpghatguy

+ [2014-10-29T21:58:09Z] lpghatguy I mean, Rouge support is there, but it isn't the default
+ [2014-10-29T21:57:42Z] lpghatguy then why is it the standard highlighter for Jekyll? :/
+ [2014-10-29T21:55:19Z] lpghatguy why does pygments.rb rely on Python 2.7 being in my path?
+ [2014-10-29T21:48:54Z] lpghatguy Yesterday I had jekyll working fine with pygments and then it broke again after a reboot
+ [2014-10-29T21:48:39Z] lpghatguy why is pygments so finnicky on Windows? D:
+ [2014-10-29T07:40:12Z] lpghatguy tab-size is weird
+ [2014-10-29T07:40:10Z] lpghatguy nope, just something silly elsewhere
+ [2014-10-29T07:34:21Z] lpghatguy I mean, I don't think so, but I'm starting to get into that feeling
+ [2014-10-29T07:34:05Z] lpghatguy dear god, I think I just found a Chrome bug.
+ [2014-10-29T03:37:05Z] lpghatguy I remember looking at my syntax.css sheet and thinking "boy, I bet those names collide with things all the time"
+ [2014-10-29T03:36:09Z] lpghatguy (I don't actually think I have anything using that tag anyway, so woo)
+ [2014-10-29T03:35:48Z] lpghatguy Yeah, I've got the stylesheet changed, just a matter of fixing the HTML
+ [2014-10-29T03:34:41Z] lpghatguy I get to refactor the rest of my site away from that, ugh
+ [2014-10-29T03:34:28Z] lpghatguy My theme has 'c1' meaning a 1/12-screen-width column, which is also the name for "Comment.Single"
+ [2014-10-29T03:34:06Z] lpghatguy found it, that was easy
+ [2014-10-29T03:33:24Z] lpghatguy now, to hunt what could cause that in my theme
+ [2014-10-29T03:33:15Z] lpghatguy Thanks for the help
+ [2014-10-29T03:32:54Z] lpghatguy
+ [2014-10-29T03:32:42Z] lpghatguy well, it looks like it's probably some sort of terrible theme thing
+ [2014-10-29T03:31:45Z] lpghatguy or, rather, a shot