latest 5 messages by lrochfort

+ [2017-03-20T15:33:37Z] lrochfort Sounds good. Thanks for the advice.
+ [2017-03-20T15:32:49Z] lrochfort Stummi: OK, and then let upstream worry about the merge?
+ [2017-03-20T15:32:07Z] lrochfort Assuming the first PR hasn't been merged by upstream yet.
+ [2017-03-20T15:31:55Z] lrochfort Stummi: Thanks. One question. If I have work for a later PR, that changes some of the same files as the previous PR, should I base them on master or my previous PR?
+ [2017-03-20T15:22:53Z] lrochfort If I have submit pull request based on a branch, should I merge the branch into my fork's master in the meantime, or wait for upstream to merge it?