latest 12 messages by ls__

+ [2014-02-18T04:47:44Z] ls__ Anyone else have the raspberry pi, configured w/ Nginx with jekyll?
+ [2014-01-31T05:13:16Z] ls__ apache = 1000lbs Ape
+ [2014-01-31T04:57:38Z] ls__ Mabye not on the otherhand.
+ [2014-01-31T04:57:23Z] ls__ I think nginx is configured by default to begin with boot?
+ [2014-01-31T04:55:32Z] ls__ Neat. Does jekyll always begin on boot?
+ [2014-01-31T04:52:49Z] ls__ I currently have nginx configured to point to the _site directory.
+ [2014-01-31T04:49:14Z] ls__ Perhaps there are others using the Raspberry Pi as a webserver with Jekyll?
+ [2014-01-01T22:50:23Z] ls__ Im not sure --watch mode?
+ [2014-01-01T22:49:08Z] ls__ Right, a symlink from sites-enabled/link -> sites-available/link
+ [2014-01-01T22:27:58Z] ls__ Nice, I'm working on setting that up. Any good tutorials to setup nginx & jekyll?
+ [2014-01-01T21:26:11Z] ls__ I was thinking as using my raspberry pi as a development server for Jekyll
+ [2014-01-01T21:12:13Z] ls__ Anyone else try Jekyll serving websites from the raspberry pi?