latest 20 messages by lswart

+ [2017-06-05T05:14:10Z] lswart I added a fix here: I think it works!
+ [2017-06-05T04:41:41Z] lswart I think I can solve this by ignoring jekyll-json's destination file location in my config for jekyll-serve's autogneration...
+ [2017-06-05T04:40:35Z] lswart allejo: Actually, it looks like the "destination" defined in jekyll-json here: is not referring to jekyll's destination folder (ie `_site`), but it's referring to a destination folder that is specified in the _config.yml here:
+ [2017-06-05T04:07:32Z] lswart allejo: this is making more sense now... but do you have any suggestions on how I can prevent the jekyll-json plugin from continuously rewriting to my projects/index.csv? I found the module here: but I'm not sure how to navigate this codebase...
+ [2017-06-05T03:42:47Z] lswart allejo: ah, thanks! This issue has existed for a while. I'll give that a shot now...
+ [2017-06-05T03:04:31Z] lswart Any help would be greatly appreciated
+ [2017-06-05T03:04:21Z] lswart Hi all - when I run `bundle exec jekyll serve -w`, then edit a file, jekyll gets caught in an infinite loop on auto-generation. Can anyone help me find out why this is happening? The site is on github here:
+ [2015-12-22T05:18:34Z] lswart I just hope there is an "enterprisey" looking site, because unfortunately, that is the style that my friend wants for her site
+ [2015-12-22T05:18:11Z] lswart jaybe: Thanks! There are some cool examples there. I will be spending lots of time browsing through those sites :-D
+ [2015-04-30T07:15:47Z] lswart If so, then you must resolve the merge conflicts. Then ensure your git working directory is clean, then push your code.
+ [2015-04-30T07:14:09Z] lswart Unless you are trying to sync the project with your local repo.
+ [2015-04-30T07:12:58Z] lswart I'm still not sure why you are pulling...
+ [2015-04-30T07:12:42Z] lswart JZA: If you don't care about the new license, just delete it
+ [2015-04-30T07:09:39Z] lswart JZA: where did you merge? You never mentioned anything about a `git merge` or a `git pull`
+ [2015-04-30T07:01:41Z] lswart I suppose no one is around... or let me know if I can clarify my question somehow
+ [2015-04-30T06:59:49Z] lswart (with a commit in between the `touch` and `git push` command)
+ [2015-04-30T06:59:30Z] lswart JZA: can you just `git remote add origin` and `touch firstFile.txt` and `git push -u origin master`?
+ [2015-04-30T06:58:20Z] lswart Here is the repo: and I basically want to remove the fork so new contributors wont get confused...
+ [2015-04-30T06:57:43Z] lswart repo B has a long issue tracker tied to its github. Any suggestions?
+ [2015-04-30T06:57:42Z] lswart Hi all, Can anyone advise on how to "unfork" a forked repo, while keeping all of the issues in the issue tracker? For example, I forked repo A as repo B, but repo B has taken off and is no longer pushing back upstream to repo A. Thus I am working on repo B, which is a Github fork of repo A, but I am treating it as its own repo with a 'repoB-master' branch as the "master" branch. I cannot simply create a new repo and push t