latest 6 messages by lucas_

+ [2014-10-02T17:45:52Z] lucas_ I feel like I could take the pages with categories lists, forloop through that list, and push it on to a copy of the collection array, but I can’t figure out the new push/pop/shift/unshift syntax.
+ [2014-10-02T17:43:23Z] lucas_ Gotcha, but I’ve had success already grouping the collection array by category.
+ [2014-10-02T17:40:14Z] lucas_ Hi, I have been trying to group pages in a collection by category with the “group by” filter, which is great, but it doesn’t include “categories” (that is, a list of categories). I have been trying to push them on to the array with the push filter but I can’t figure out the right syntax. Any suggestions
+ [2014-08-09T20:25:02Z] lucas_ comited.
+ [2014-08-09T20:24:37Z] lucas_ i've commit my _site folder into gh-pages but it doesn't works.
+ [2014-08-09T20:23:48Z] lucas_ hello. anyone could help me ? I've been trying up my site at git but I dont no why but it never works.