latest 14 messages by lugub

+ [2014-10-12T06:53:56Z] lugub woops
+ [2014-10-12T06:53:54Z] lugub oh - ghostery was blocking it
+ [2014-10-12T06:44:50Z] lugub has anyone had trouble with namecheap re the free .me domains? Only US/UK is eligible :(
+ [2014-09-08T20:46:24Z] lugub currently if I install the octopress 3.0rc I'm unable to theme right?
+ [2014-08-30T08:15:10Z] lugub right, thanks VxJasonxV :)
+ [2014-08-30T08:12:06Z] lugub just a quick question, my repo for my github pages, - it itself doesn't need a gh-pages branch right? it only runs off the master
+ [2014-08-17T08:46:25Z] lugub ah ok, dunno then sorry
+ [2014-08-17T08:45:50Z] lugub *whatever diff
+ [2014-08-17T08:45:46Z] lugub you'll have to rebase and then merge each conflict with vimdiff
+ [2014-08-17T08:45:21Z] lugub you'll have to rebase
+ [2014-08-17T08:24:14Z] lugub ok, thanks :)
+ [2014-08-17T08:18:29Z] lugub Seveas: some people say using the meta tag isn't a good idea (even though it fulfills my purposes - thankyou), how come?
+ [2014-08-17T08:00:14Z] lugub awesome, thanks Seveas
+ [2014-08-17T07:49:04Z] lugub are you able to redirect a page on your github page, to another domain? ie redirect a page to a heroku app?