latest 6 messages by lugzer

+ [2017-03-12T10:58:51Z] lugzer are the docs kinda unmaintained, and written long time ago? having hard time getting what needs to be done
+ [2017-03-12T10:58:22Z] lugzer i am just starting.. i installed with no problems. now i want to work with scss files. the docs are quite confusing as what needs to be done to make it work.. i create a file in css/main.scss and it doesn't get compiled at all (and the docs say it will)...
+ [2017-03-12T10:56:24Z] lugzer hello
+ [2015-06-25T22:42:40Z] lugzer i currently used a full URL path with raw=true parameter, but for some reason it's somewhat changing the .icns file (removing its preview)
+ [2015-06-25T22:41:42Z] lugzer i uploaded .icns file coming from OSX to my github project. what is the best way to link to that file so it could be downloaded?
+ [2015-06-25T22:40:32Z] lugzer evening