latest 20 messages by luketopia

+ [2014-02-02T18:01:30Z] luketopia ok, cool, mine is luketopia
+ [2014-02-02T17:48:15Z] luketopia pontiki: do you have twitter? i was thinking of writing a streamlined post on setting up octopress on windows - i'll tweet it to you if you're interested
+ [2014-02-02T17:42:43Z] luketopia pontiki: thanks for the help!
+ [2014-02-02T17:40:04Z] luketopia it's working now!
+ [2014-02-02T17:39:56Z] luketopia potniki: lol yep, it really was that simple
+ [2014-02-02T17:33:24Z] luketopia i'll try to set that up and see if that fixes it
+ [2014-02-02T17:32:57Z] luketopia looks like pygments.rb does still require python lol
+ [2014-02-02T17:32:39Z] luketopia now that you mention it
+ [2014-02-02T17:32:14Z] luketopia is that a problem?
+ [2014-02-02T17:31:55Z] luketopia i don't think so
+ [2014-02-02T17:28:43Z] luketopia error is here:
+ [2014-02-02T17:23:12Z] luketopia i would look deeper into it myself but i'm multitasking a bit
+ [2014-02-02T17:20:14Z] luketopia yes... i'll stick it in a gist
+ [2014-02-02T17:19:08Z] luketopia yep. i appreciate the suggestions. i'll keep looking into it myself and see if i can figure anything out. not a huge deal atm
+ [2014-02-02T17:18:19Z] luketopia exception is coming from pygments.rb or something like that, so yeah
+ [2014-02-02T17:18:03Z] luketopia that's what i'm guessing
+ [2014-02-02T17:17:06Z] luketopia that was actually the original problem in the SO question too
+ [2014-02-02T17:16:08Z] luketopia pontiki: is it possible that i need some kind of "plugins" for specific languages or something?