latest 20 messages by lulzplzkthx

+ [2013-11-16T23:59:07Z] lulzplzkthx Anyway, I opened an issue here:
+ [2013-11-16T23:58:35Z] lulzplzkthx Well, I could always import manually, but I'd rather not if I don't have to. :P
+ [2013-11-16T23:52:54Z] lulzplzkthx No problem, heh. Not exactly in a rush.
+ [2013-11-16T23:52:17Z] lulzplzkthx And got: invalid option: --format
+ [2013-11-16T23:52:00Z] lulzplzkthx Anyway, tried using --source instead of --url, since that's what "jekyll help import" lists (although it doesn't seem to be what Tumblr importer looks for -
+ [2013-11-16T23:50:37Z] lulzplzkthx :( Was hoping it'd be a quick fix, and I was doing something wrong.
+ [2013-11-16T23:50:17Z] lulzplzkthx There should be a newline between "true" and "Deprecation"
+ [2013-11-16T23:50:06Z] lulzplzkthx invalid option: --url
+ [2013-11-16T23:50:02Z] lulzplzkthx Decided to attempt to run it anyway: -> % jekyll import tubmlr --url --format md --grab_images true --add_highlights true --rewrite_urls true Deprecation: The 'url' setting can only be set in your config files.
+ [2013-11-16T23:49:38Z] lulzplzkthx This one: invalid command. Use --help for more information
+ [2013-11-16T23:49:26Z] lulzplzkthx So I ran "jekyll help import tumblr" and got this error: /usr/lib/ruby/1.9.1/rubygems/custom_require.rb:36:in `require': cannot load such file -- jekyll/jekyll-import/tumblr (LoadError)
+ [2013-11-16T23:48:56Z] lulzplzkthx So I ran "jekyll help import", which gave a very generic understanding of how to use jekyll import.
+ [2013-11-16T23:48:23Z] lulzplzkthx As per the linked page's suggestion.
+ [2013-11-16T23:47:54Z] lulzplzkthx Err, sudo gem install jekyll-import --pre, rather.
+ [2013-11-16T23:47:36Z] lulzplzkthx I ran "sudo gem install jekyll-import" previous to attempting the method listed.
+ [2013-11-16T23:47:22Z] lulzplzkthx /usr/lib/ruby/1.9.1/rubygems/custom_require.rb:36:in `require': cannot load such file -- jekyll/jekyll-import/tumblr (LoadError)
+ [2013-11-16T23:46:57Z] lulzplzkthx Tried using the method listed here: