latest 7 messages by lxer

+ [2015-03-13T18:09:04Z] lxer (using django, btw)
+ [2015-03-13T18:08:54Z] lxer yes, i could replace my own login system with oauth, but I want to avoid that.
+ [2015-03-13T18:06:57Z] lxer ok thanks. i never really got that oauth stuff. i'll try to read some more.
+ [2015-03-13T18:04:01Z] lxer what i'm doing in my app is simply showing a dropdown list of their commits, which they can link to some documentation. so i can't bother them with logging in all the time.
+ [2015-03-13T18:01:30Z] lxer yeah, i know it is complex.
+ [2015-03-13T18:00:32Z] lxer Remram: ok, nice. if I store that token is it valid until the user revokes it, or does it have some timeout?
+ [2015-03-13T17:34:38Z] lxer I'm working on some website that uses and it shows the list commits to the user. This works fine for public repos. I would like to use this api for private repos too, but I dont want to ask users to give their password. is that even even possible? (oauth perhaps?)