latest 5 messages by lymitz

+ [2016-05-27T04:13:34Z] lymitz sorry, got sidetracked
+ [2016-05-27T04:13:24Z] lymitz Yeah, that was the problem, it doesn't actually specify that in the docs :O
+ [2016-05-27T01:26:31Z] lymitz i think it might be because im referencing my js/css with <script> / <link> tags instead of liquid, which causes it not to trigger a compile step ?
+ [2016-05-27T00:04:55Z] lymitz Would anyone be able to help me debug, i'm stuck.
+ [2016-05-27T00:04:40Z] lymitz Hey folks, I'm having some compilation issues with the jekyll-assets gem where it's not compiling anything in the _assets dir.