latest 4 messages by m_ben

+ [2019-03-18T13:26:14Z] m_ben I cloned a github project and whenever I run git pull I get an error "fatal: refusing to merge unrelated history". I didn't make any local changes to the project. I just want to update. when I compare the commit hashes from my local cloned repo and the github version, they are suddenly different. the messages itself are the same. why is that happening?
+ [2016-10-17T12:45:40Z] m_ben tobiasvl: so there is no other way than closing the current pull request and opening a new one?
+ [2016-10-17T12:39:08Z] m_ben changes in another branch, which I didn't, so I'm not sure how to proceed now
+ [2016-10-17T12:39:07Z] m_ben I have the following issue: I forked a repo, made some changes to the master branch (I forgot to open a new feature branch) and pushed it to my forked github repo, then I opened a pull request. Now the original author asked me to resolve the conflicts with his new updated master. what is the best way to do that? sorry, I'm not very well experienced with github. I googled but everyone suggests to do all