latest 5 messages by mad-

+ [2015-06-08T13:41:38Z] mad- unsure
+ [2015-06-08T13:23:59Z] mad- ok
+ [2015-06-08T13:23:02Z] mad- brontosaurusrex: to what do you use it or in what ?
+ [2015-06-08T13:19:02Z] mad- brontosaurusrex: you have one to much -- here i think --o -iname "*.omf"
+ [2015-06-06T17:46:16Z] mad- i have been running to a problem with ansible playbooks since jekyll uses jinja the contidions with {{}} are removed when jekyll is rendering the html. does anyone know of anyway to get yaml syntax hilight with ansible playbook that will not remove the {{}} syntax ?