latest 7 messages by magicantler

+ [2015-08-31T21:21:30Z] magicantler Got it working ^^! Is there a good way to have a setup where posts get linked to medium for exposure?
+ [2015-08-31T20:14:27Z] magicantler @jaybe I tried creating a new page but it fails to load disqus, is there usually something I need to do for this feature?
+ [2015-08-31T18:39:41Z] magicantler or is there a cms or some sort associated with jekyll?
+ [2015-08-31T18:39:31Z] magicantler so if i want to create a post, must i do it through code?
+ [2015-08-31T18:26:01Z] magicantler i just found the hpstr theme and it's pretty sexy (albeit somewhat flashy)
+ [2015-08-31T18:19:20Z] magicantler Hey, are there any minamlistic jekyll templates/themes anyone here would recommend?