latest 20 messages by magnetik

+ [2015-01-08T07:49:41Z] magnetik I don't really get the error message since I see that redcarpet 1.3 is installed
+ [2015-01-08T07:41:31Z] magnetik You can see the detail here :
+ [2015-01-08T07:39:46Z] magnetik Hi, I've the same issue as the last post of this bug : Does someone have an idea ?
+ [2014-08-06T08:26:23Z] magnetik Yep looks like so
+ [2014-08-06T08:16:27Z] magnetik Is a {% for .. generating empty lines ?
+ [2014-08-06T08:14:46Z] magnetik that are not in my source files
+ [2014-08-06T08:14:40Z] magnetik And another quick question: I have a lot of empty lines in the generated jekyll pages
+ [2014-08-06T07:23:45Z] magnetik but yep could be cleaner with a data file
+ [2014-08-06T07:23:33Z] magnetik For now I did some trick with the tags. The aim is to remove any trick that "duplicate" the information that is already in the path
+ [2014-08-06T07:21:40Z] magnetik I guess I'll have to move from github pages from my own jekyll then
+ [2014-08-06T07:16:53Z] magnetik Using latest jekyll is there any simple way to list the *pages* in the current folder without plugins?
+ [2013-07-24T10:16:45Z] magnetik but I had no error
+ [2013-07-24T10:16:43Z] magnetik works better
+ [2013-07-24T10:16:40Z] magnetik reencoded my files in UTF8 without bom
+ [2013-07-24T10:16:33Z] magnetik humm okay
+ [2013-07-24T10:11:23Z] magnetik project is REALLY simple :
+ [2013-07-24T10:10:12Z] magnetik jekyll build --safe runs without errors
+ [2013-07-24T10:09:25Z] magnetik Is there any reason for a .md file not translated to .html ?