latest 14 messages by makerop

+ [2014-12-24T04:27:15Z] makerop ok cool thanks
+ [2014-12-24T04:21:22Z] makerop sorry, i meant on github
+ [2014-12-24T04:20:36Z] makerop Author: vagrant <vagrant@rails-dev-box>
+ [2014-12-24T04:19:55Z] makerop but why would it show up as a random user/
+ [2014-12-24T04:18:46Z] makerop a couple commits on accident
+ [2014-12-24T04:18:42Z] makerop I actually did do that in a vagrant box
+ [2014-12-24T04:17:18Z] makerop it's like there was a collision or something
+ [2014-12-24T04:17:07Z] makerop but the commits made, are actually mine it seems
+ [2014-12-24T04:16:49Z] makerop there are only to collaborators, and neither of us know who the account belongs to
+ [2014-12-24T04:16:20Z] makerop it's not a public repo
+ [2014-12-24T04:14:33Z] makerop there is a random user showing up in the history now, that I have no idea where it came from
+ [2014-12-24T04:14:17Z] makerop I am a member of an org, and have been making commits to a repo