latest 4 messages by marc_v92

+ [2017-02-15T18:06:40Z] marc_v92 For that you run "git diff"
+ [2017-02-15T18:06:35Z] marc_v92 Wzup: What do you mean by "commit code"? You mean the code that's changed?
+ [2016-07-21T14:50:58Z] marc_v92 (And, in the future, how can I extend the number of tries to get into my account? I have a handful of passwords that are intentionally left out of my password manager, so sometimes it takes me a couple tries to pick the right one for the right account)
+ [2016-07-21T14:50:14Z] marc_v92 Apparently GitHub limits login attempts to 5. I've been temporarily locked out of my account. How long does the account lockout last, and how can I speed it up?