latest 7 messages by marcanuy

+ [2016-06-29T18:18:02Z] marcanuy When generating a site with jekyll 3.1.6, *some* of mine '/bower_components' packages aren't being copied to '_site/bower_components', any ideas?
+ [2015-06-04T03:54:48Z] marcanuy jaybe, pretty close of what I was looking for, but isn't possible to initialize a variable as an array in Liquid and then add values inside a loop?
+ [2015-06-03T22:47:10Z] marcanuy in Liquid tags
+ [2015-06-03T22:46:52Z] marcanuy How can I set a new array item in each iteration? I've tried the following without luck:
+ [2015-05-07T01:08:50Z] marcanuy I'm using this plugin to create pages for each item in a data file, when I start the server it can't read the data file: Error reading file /_layouts/bookpage.html: No such file or directory @ rb_sysopen - /_layouts/bookpage.html , I'm using v2.4.0, any idea?
+ [2014-09-14T15:43:41Z] marcanuy I've added two scopes in _config.yml, one for path:"" type:"posts" and other for path:"" type:"pages" so I can set a default layout for them, anyway they are being added to css files, any hint that helps to debug this?
+ [2014-09-12T20:07:14Z] marcanuy I'm trying to output site config variable contents, I have {{ site.inspect }} in a page, when I load that page in the browser no information about the variable is printed, any idea?