latest 20 messages by marcosscriven

+ [2015-05-12T17:26:28Z] marcosscriven basically I don't understand why I'm getting conflicts with a cherry pick that doesn't touch the conflicting dir
+ [2015-05-12T17:26:03Z] marcosscriven anyone here able to check this gist to see if I've found a git issue pls?
+ [2015-05-11T11:53:28Z] marcosscriven I know I can git reset the conflicted dirs, but that's happening for every cherry pick (because the stream I'm cherry picking into still has the submodule, whereas it's been deleted from the old one)
+ [2015-05-11T11:52:17Z] marcosscriven Appears to be down to
+ [2015-05-11T11:52:07Z] marcosscriven Issue I'm having is:
+ [2015-05-11T11:52:01Z] marcosscriven does anyone here know about git cherry-pick conflicts with submodules?
+ [2014-12-28T02:11:50Z] marcosscriven ok, thanks for the comprehensive feedback :)
+ [2014-12-28T02:05:15Z] marcosscriven just wondering if anyone could think of pros/cons of the various options
+ [2014-12-28T02:04:36Z] marcosscriven and you can call with {% include _panel.html head="Rah!" body=mybody %}
+ [2014-12-28T02:04:26Z] marcosscriven I made that a snippet in _includes
+ [2014-12-28T02:04:02Z] marcosscriven <div class="panel-body">
+ [2014-12-28T02:04:02Z] marcosscriven <div class="panel-heading">{{include.head}}</div>
+ [2014-12-28T02:04:01Z] marcosscriven <div class="panel panel-bordered panel-contrast mg-b">
+ [2014-12-28T02:02:47Z] marcosscriven