latest 20 messages by mark06

+ [2015-07-29T20:07:08Z] mark06 thanks anyway
+ [2015-07-29T19:52:56Z] mark06 private email for feature suggestions :/
+ [2015-07-29T19:15:42Z] mark06 where would we suggest a new feature for
+ [2015-06-27T13:18:36Z] mark06 this is plain wrong
+ [2015-06-26T22:22:18Z] mark06 wonders if this channel is for non-free github as well
+ [2015-06-26T22:21:44Z] mark06 odd you pay for it and needs to enter irc
+ [2015-06-26T22:21:31Z] mark06 don't you have special support? :)
+ [2015-06-26T22:21:03Z] mark06 I think you want the paid service then
+ [2015-06-26T22:16:28Z] mark06 customers in open source??
+ [2015-06-26T22:15:55Z] mark06 maybe the paid version has something?
+ [2015-06-26T22:15:09Z] mark06 I don't think it would be available only through api
+ [2015-06-26T22:14:27Z] mark06 you can only lock the issue against new posts
+ [2015-06-26T22:14:09Z] mark06 no dbclk, but I think it's not possible
+ [2015-06-26T22:13:47Z] mark06 gay marriage?
+ [2015-06-26T22:11:28Z] mark06 why this?
+ [2015-06-26T22:09:16Z] mark06 github icon is different
+ [2015-06-17T01:54:49Z] mark06 for each project, manually
+ [2015-06-17T01:54:16Z] mark06 I currently need to guess what was the last commit I'm up to, then start from there reading all work following it
+ [2015-06-17T01:53:48Z] mark06 for these projects I rather want to see the commits in my global feed or something similar
+ [2015-06-17T01:53:18Z] mark06 reasoning: I want emails for low activity projects, but high traffic projects would flood my inbox