latest 5 messages by matgee

+ [2015-03-10T21:51:56Z] matgee sounded ignorant :P
+ [2015-03-10T21:51:55Z] matgee Hi. I am working with a vendor, whom I granted read only access. They forked my repo and sent a pull request. When I run the steps GH tells me to on the PR page (git checkout -b VENDORNAME-BRANCH master; git pull BRANCH) -- I get `ERROR: Repository not found. fatal: Could not read from remote repository.` ... I am assuming it's because theirs is a private repo and I need access, but I wanted to check before I
+ [2015-02-09T20:37:33Z] matgee ok great
+ [2015-02-09T20:34:27Z] matgee If I have 5 private repos and I want to allow a server access to just one of those - can I add an ssh key on a repo by repo basis?
+ [2015-02-09T20:33:31Z] matgee Howdy.