latest 20 messages by matrixise

+ [2015-01-25T16:49:46Z] matrixise but in a forloop, I think there is a problem with the parsing of the liquid expression after the 'in' keyword
+ [2015-01-25T16:49:18Z] matrixise but currently, I use site.pages|where:"type","training"
+ [2015-01-25T16:48:57Z] matrixise jaybe: ok. I already do that. but I wanted a centralised solution because I don't want to copy/paste this code if I have 5 or 6 pages for the listings. Example: for the services or products, the members of a team, for the a list of trainings.
+ [2015-01-25T16:44:57Z] matrixise jaybe: I do that, but I wanted to change the way of computing the site.pages collection
+ [2015-01-25T16:43:12Z] matrixise jaybe: works fine if you create a lot of posts. in my case, it's just for a page for a new training.
+ [2015-01-25T16:41:03Z] matrixise currently, site.pages contains all the pages from the site, but there is no ways to disable some pages, because a page is not ready for the production
+ [2015-01-25T16:39:30Z] matrixise with a flag in the YAML
+ [2015-01-25T16:39:25Z] matrixise just disable a page
+ [2015-01-25T16:39:19Z] matrixise jaybe:
+ [2015-01-25T16:35:53Z] matrixise I don't speak about a post where you can use draft
+ [2015-01-25T16:35:31Z] matrixise if there is the 'disable' key in the yaml content, the generator does not take this page
+ [2015-01-25T16:29:29Z] matrixise ex: hidden: true or disable: true or enable: false
+ [2015-01-25T16:29:07Z] matrixise jaybe: is there a flag on the page to disable this one ?
+ [2015-01-25T16:25:56Z] matrixise jaybe: I am testing Jekyll for a static web site
+ [2015-01-25T16:03:17Z] matrixise I didn't find it :/