latest 20 messages by matthiaskrgr

+ [2017-03-31T22:17:57Z] matthiaskrgr or is it just an illusion
+ [2017-03-31T22:17:44Z] matthiaskrgr some fonts seem to be bigger/bold now to me
+ [2017-03-31T22:17:36Z] matthiaskrgr did github change css in the last 24 hoursß
+ [2017-02-14T21:29:04Z] matthiaskrgr I'm getting only ~60 kb/s from github altough other downloads here are ~10x faster
+ [2017-02-14T21:28:32Z] matthiaskrgr are there some connectivity issues?
+ [2017-02-08T22:51:05Z] matthiaskrgr do you want a list of all github repos?!
+ [2017-02-05T13:34:54Z] matthiaskrgr you can clone some of their repos, search for their email in the commit log and write a mail I guess :)
+ [2016-08-12T15:07:07Z] matthiaskrgr can anyone here load this page?
+ [2016-07-07T12:38:29Z] matthiaskrgr is there a way to get url to a random github repository?
+ [2016-07-05T18:16:20Z] matthiaskrgr can you guys recompress the rust-lang/rustc repo? I downloaded 300 MB but when I recompressed it, it was only 100 MB which means download takes 3 times as much as neccessary ... <.<
+ [2016-04-06T13:10:53Z] matthiaskrgr basically you can take the last hash of the pull request and set it as starting point for your master branch, for example
+ [2016-04-06T13:10:27Z] matthiaskrgr or just fork the branch that the pull request was made from
+ [2016-04-06T13:01:00Z] matthiaskrgr you can fork the repo that the pull request was made from
+ [2016-04-06T12:42:24Z] matthiaskrgr so basically no github activity but following several 10- or 100-thousands
+ [2016-04-06T12:40:23Z] matthiaskrgr there are some weird people that seem to follow everyone they find, following more than 10k accounts
+ [2016-04-06T12:37:07Z] matthiaskrgr can I force someone to unfollow me ?