latest 11 messages by maziar

+ [2016-06-10T11:28:10Z] maziar jhass nothing happend :
+ [2016-06-10T11:16:03Z] maziar jhass would you please kindly tell me step by step, which command should run, now ?
+ [2016-06-10T11:10:33Z] maziar jhass
+ [2016-06-10T11:10:28Z] maziar
+ [2016-06-10T11:04:35Z] maziar which information do you need, please tell me i will provide for you
+ [2016-06-10T11:03:31Z] maziar nobody can help !!!
+ [2016-06-10T11:01:20Z] maziar jhass i do that but still git is on old system for smal file
+ [2016-06-10T10:53:17Z] maziar jhass i create new directory how to force git use LFS ?
+ [2016-06-10T10:52:59Z] maziar i create new directory
+ [2016-06-10T10:52:52Z] maziar jhass
+ [2016-06-10T10:48:10Z] maziar hello i have a 680 MB file to push, and i'm installed git LFS , but i get this error, why ? >>>> error :