latest 7 messages by mbff

+ [2014-01-20T04:59:44Z] mbff I think I need a local config and a server config
+ [2014-01-20T04:58:00Z] mbff however, when I am locally testing I need it to work
+ [2014-01-20T04:57:43Z] mbff My server handles that
+ [2014-01-20T04:57:35Z] mbff it is
+ [2014-01-20T04:50:05Z] mbff I do not want that
+ [2014-01-20T04:50:00Z] mbff pontiki, that puts each post in a folder.
+ [2014-01-20T04:08:28Z] mbff hello, is there anyway to have jekyll generate permalinks like /blog/:title.html, but when the link url is generated, .html is removed?