latest 14 messages by mbuf

+ [2015-09-18T15:09:38Z] mbuf using Trusty 14.04 LTS
+ [2015-09-18T15:09:25Z] mbuf how do I download and install the GitHub certificate on Ubuntu?
+ [2015-09-18T15:09:01Z] mbuf Using Ansible get_url to download gives a "Failed to validate the SSL certificate for"
+ [2015-05-19T03:35:22Z] mbuf milki, okay
+ [2015-05-19T03:18:15Z] mbuf or just adding them to hooks will make it revisioned by GitHub?
+ [2015-05-19T03:16:56Z] mbuf is there a way to share pre-commit hooks for a GitHub project?
+ [2015-05-18T10:22:43Z] mbuf codemercenary, so, the CI will run the hook and if that passes, will send a PR
+ [2015-05-18T10:20:10Z] mbuf codemercenary, TeamCity
+ [2015-05-18T10:19:48Z] mbuf codemercenary, nope
+ [2015-05-18T10:19:19Z] mbuf codemercenary, Ruby
+ [2015-05-18T10:18:51Z] mbuf codemercenary, sorry, I didn't follow; are there any examples that I can refer to manage .git hooks with GitHub?
+ [2015-05-18T10:14:53Z] mbuf codemercenary, so we can't revision any pre-commit or pre-push hooks?
+ [2015-05-18T10:11:19Z] mbuf codemercenary, I see
+ [2015-05-18T10:09:06Z] mbuf how does one add git hooks to a project repo, and push them to GitHub? is there a way to see the hooks in GitHub?