latest 8 messages by mcnesium

+ [2017-04-27T13:23:55Z] mcnesium I see, the !default flag is the key. thank you for pointing me there :)
+ [2017-04-27T13:12:38Z] mcnesium okay, but this is no regular sass behavior, right?
+ [2017-04-27T11:39:16Z] mcnesium but how is that possible? now I set $brand-color in main.scss and afterwards @import "minima" which in my understanding means that minima's $brand-color declaration would come afterwards as well. how does it still take my color?
+ [2017-04-27T11:38:09Z] mcnesium uh, I see
+ [2017-04-27T11:17:44Z] mcnesium so that they wont be doublewritten in the resulting css file, that is
+ [2017-04-27T11:17:14Z] mcnesium so I wonder how I could make use of the default minima theme being taken straight from the gems and still override some rules and variables with my own sass file
+ [2017-04-27T11:16:05Z] mcnesium still, in the resulting main.css it has the original minima $brand-color
+ [2017-04-27T11:15:01Z] mcnesium to a freshly created jekyll site i added assets/main.scss and in there @import "minima" and thereafter @import "myownstuff" and in _sass there is a file myownstuff.scss wherein I tried to override $brand-color with my own color