latest 8 messages by mefistofeles

+ [2019-05-13T23:53:00Z] mefistofeles jlk: hmm, that shounds a bit complicated, but will check it, thanks!!
+ [2019-05-13T23:06:41Z] mefistofeles scientes: hmm, I could try that
+ [2019-05-13T22:11:32Z] mefistofeles scientes: hmm, I know how to setup ssh keys for a complete account/user, I don't want this, is it possible to do this just for a specific private repo?
+ [2019-05-13T21:52:45Z] mefistofeles hey, what's the recommended way to fetch from a private repo using a cron job? such that it doesn't ask for username/password
+ [2017-04-16T00:42:49Z] mefistofeles Not sure if the correct room for asking but here it goes... I'm having a hard time using minimal-mistakes from jekyll in my github-site, I can't get the CSS/styling to work in my GH site any ideas what may be going on?
+ [2017-04-16T00:19:46Z] mefistofeles hey, I'm having a hard time using minimal-mistakes from jekyll, I can't get the CSS/styling to work in my GH site any ideas what may be going on?