latest 20 messages by mehwork

+ [2016-04-10T15:33:09Z] mehwork if i have an image in markdown like [[images/foo.png]] How can i make it clickable so it can open in a new tab (it's too small to read)
+ [2015-09-18T14:59:51Z] mehwork so i do 'git fetch upstream' but how do i merge it into my fork's master?
+ [2015-09-18T14:56:29Z] mehwork got it
+ [2015-09-18T14:53:59Z] mehwork if i fork someone's repo, how do i fetch their new changes into my fork?
+ [2015-05-21T17:21:57Z] mehwork i think i need to have my employer run the curl command to do basic auth to generate an auth token for me, since using the client id/secret doesn't seem to work (although you'd think either one would work)
+ [2015-05-21T17:21:00Z] mehwork it all makes sense now it hink
+ [2015-05-21T17:20:42Z] mehwork np, thanks for clarifing
+ [2015-05-21T17:00:49Z] mehwork but it seems like i should just be able to create an authorization based on my clientid/secret just the same as you described
+ [2015-05-21T17:00:08Z] mehwork Seveas: i don't think i can do that because the organization only gave me a client_id/secret not a user/pw. Also that new auth page you linked says that's an oauth token but you said not to use oauth so i'm confused
+ [2015-05-21T16:49:02Z] mehwork thanks a lot. I'll try it
+ [2015-05-21T16:47:41Z] mehwork environment variable
+ [2015-05-21T16:47:16Z] mehwork oh, yeah
+ [2015-05-21T16:46:59Z] mehwork cache how?
+ [2015-05-21T16:46:32Z] mehwork ah thanks
+ [2015-05-21T16:43:31Z] mehwork seveas a personal access token?
+ [2015-05-21T16:41:57Z] mehwork i just want to create an oauth client/secret to my organization's private repository, for a python script to use
+ [2015-05-21T16:25:56Z] mehwork yet when i look at examples of creating an oauth application from the command line via the api, it lets you specify scopes
+ [2015-05-21T16:25:30Z] mehwork how come when i register a new OAuth application from it doesn't give me any option to select the scopes for the oauth key like the Personal access token generator does?