latest 5 messages by mejo

+ [2016-12-23T16:23:01Z] mejo jaybe: adding cert fingerprints (stored in variables) to a text asset file.
+ [2016-12-23T16:12:23Z] mejo thanks, that's what I was searching for
+ [2016-12-23T14:51:02Z] mejo ok, seems like jekyll doesn't care about file extensions. instead it cares about headers. is there a way to make jekyll process the file _without_ applying a layout? or do I need to create an empty layout for that?
+ [2016-12-23T14:34:06Z] mejo I'd like to put variables into .txt files and let jekyll process/update them.
+ [2016-12-23T14:33:49Z] mejo hi there. I'm completely new to jekyll. is there a way to make jekyll process .txt files?