latest 10 messages by mekeor

+ [2019-03-25T00:59:20Z] mekeor yes, there is this assumption. and then there is the belief that everything has to be connected, even if the user doesn't want it to be. it's the platform logic. it's the opposite of old unix philosophical rule "Write programs that do one thing and do it well."
+ [2019-03-25T00:51:45Z] mekeor having to login into github is excluding. i don't want to earn points. if it was just about interactivity, it could work without github.
+ [2019-03-25T00:48:53Z] mekeor nedbat: there is a screenshot at the bottom of
+ [2019-03-25T00:48:27Z] mekeor "Tutorials, examples and quizzes. Learn Next.js step-by-step and earn points ✨."
+ [2019-03-25T00:47:58Z] mekeor i don't know. it's somehow a game. you can earn points and stuff. dunno
+ [2019-03-25T00:47:27Z] mekeor you can only view the first page of that chapter of the tutorial without logging into github.
+ [2019-03-25T00:47:06Z] mekeor nedbat: there is the "login & start" buttom at the bottom of the linked site.
+ [2019-03-25T00:33:51Z] mekeor i hate github because i don't want to have to register/login into github in order to read the getting-started tutorial for next-js at so i had to lookup the code of the tutorial at and find the table-of-contents for it at on my own.
+ [2017-03-01T16:01:43Z] mekeor wtf. did github change the colors of links? i think links have a more penetrant, ugly blue color now. it sux
+ [2016-12-06T20:06:25Z] mekeor who was that? stoner19, are you responsible for this?