latest 19 messages by merpnderp

+ [2014-08-03T22:51:38Z] merpnderp oh man, Sweet, I can hand off upkeep to this site to the teachers council and be done with it.....LOVE YOU GITHUB
+ [2014-08-03T22:50:30Z] merpnderp offby1: But I'm getting 100ms page serves. Ninja fast
+ [2014-08-03T22:50:07Z] merpnderp maybe nginx's image serving module was choking on some mild file corruption
+ [2014-08-03T22:49:33Z] merpnderp offby1: looks like the images were bad or something. I grabbed the image off the web and used it instead and works perfectly.
+ [2014-08-03T22:21:41Z] merpnderp offby1: I don't normally. But there's a teachers association that needed hosting and I thought github would be great.
+ [2014-08-03T22:21:03Z] merpnderp Hard to complain when the hosting is free :P
+ [2014-08-03T22:20:15Z] merpnderp offby1: I resized the files and now one shows up, but the other still isn't. Wonder if there is some sort of file checker that is failing that file.
+ [2014-08-03T20:48:23Z] merpnderp offby1: I renamed one of them, and it still isnt' showing up
+ [2014-08-03T20:47:58Z] merpnderp offby1: yeah, it's weird because it's just the two photos out of a lot more.
+ [2014-08-03T20:47:42Z] merpnderp offby1: ah, that makes sense.
+ [2014-08-03T20:45:36Z] merpnderp I have an organization site that I put up about an hour ago. I have the CNAME redirecting correctly, but 2 images on the site are throwing a 404, even though if I view them in the github repo view they show up correctly. Anyone know how to resolve this (or if it just needs more time)?
+ [2014-08-03T14:44:36Z] merpnderp Nevik: well thanks for getting me further than I was :)
+ [2014-08-03T14:43:55Z] merpnderp Nevik: I told my browser to accept the github cert, and github served up the unknown page.....:/
+ [2014-08-03T14:42:16Z] merpnderp Nevik:
+ [2014-08-03T14:41:16Z] merpnderp Nevik: but I'm trying to figure out how to enable https for my custom github domain
+ [2014-08-03T14:40:14Z] merpnderp I'm looking for support for custom https githib page domains.
+ [2014-08-03T14:39:50Z] merpnderp I'm looking on google and github help pages but I can't see how to enable ssl for my github pages sites. Anyone have a link?
+ [2014-07-29T18:12:09Z] merpnderp xender: ok, thanks :)
+ [2014-07-29T18:08:49Z] merpnderp google seems to be failing me in finding this answer. But if I delete a file in my current version, will I still be able to roll back to a previous commit that has that file, or is it gone from all previous commits too?