latest 13 messages by merpnderp_

+ [2014-10-12T00:22:55Z] merpnderp_ That was a fast turnaround.
+ [2014-10-12T00:22:43Z] merpnderp_ Nevik: I got a response from github, they said they'd look into it :)
+ [2014-10-11T13:44:28Z] merpnderp_ have a good one Nevik
+ [2014-10-11T13:44:23Z] merpnderp_ thansk again, I sent the support doc request :0
+ [2014-10-11T13:41:45Z] merpnderp_ Nevik: will do. What will you title yours so mine is related.
+ [2014-10-11T13:41:07Z] merpnderp_ Nevik: I can't thank you enough for that. Going to be WAY easier than tar'ing up and sftp'ing it over.
+ [2014-10-11T13:39:14Z] merpnderp_ Nevik: that is SO awesome :)
+ [2014-10-11T13:32:21Z] merpnderp_ Woudl not be fun to wake up and see all my repos deleted.
+ [2014-10-11T13:32:11Z] merpnderp_ Nevik: you are a genius !!! I'd use a key, but this is on an ec2 server and I did't want to put keys on it iwth access to my github.
+ [2014-10-11T13:31:12Z] merpnderp_ fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
+ [2014-10-11T13:31:05Z] merpnderp_ Nevik: I get permission denied (publickey)
+ [2014-10-11T13:19:17Z] merpnderp_ If I have a public repo, how come my ec2-user account can't clone and pull from that repo? Does it need a github account?