latest 19 messages by mertyildiran

+ [2020-02-22T22:25:17Z] mertyildiran Hi, could someone explain why is this job stuck and I cannot see any output? It just executes this Batch file
+ [2020-02-19T22:26:57Z] mertyildiran OK I re-run it for the third time and now it passed strange...
+ [2020-02-19T22:12:03Z] mertyildiran I mean GitHub Workflows by CI.
+ [2020-02-19T22:11:30Z] mertyildiran Hi, what could be the reason for this error in the CI? Seemed like a problem in the mirrors to me.
+ [2019-12-05T20:50:58Z] mertyildiran How can I share the state of the build in here with the second job? I know there is `actions/upload-artifact@v1` but am I going to upload the whole disk like `path: /`
+ [2019-12-02T19:50:46Z] mertyildiran BtbN like if I can fire an `rerequested` event after Docker build then I can rerun the tests in another workflow.
+ [2019-12-02T19:49:54Z] mertyildiran BtbN can I fire one of these events inside a workflow?
+ [2019-12-02T19:27:11Z] mertyildiran BtbN it's downloading TensorFlow models
+ [2019-12-02T19:16:28Z] mertyildiran BtbN but the build is happening on GitHub not in Docker Hub?
+ [2019-12-02T19:12:27Z] mertyildiran BtbN also my Docker images is 5GB and this exceeds the GitHub actions cache limits
+ [2019-12-02T19:07:09Z] mertyildiran BtbN I need an example, I don't know how to implement such a workflow
+ [2019-12-02T19:05:17Z] mertyildiran BtbN my Docker build by the way takes hours
+ [2019-12-02T19:04:40Z] mertyildiran BtbN how am I going to use cache with the Docker build, I don't understand? Could you give me a simple example?
+ [2019-12-02T19:02:39Z] mertyildiran BtbN since this workflow needs to be triggered on every push while the Docker build only being triggered if the Dockerfile changes
+ [2019-12-02T19:01:28Z] mertyildiran BtbN OK how am I going to define this criteria for the Docker build inside this workflow ?
+ [2019-12-02T18:43:34Z] mertyildiran I know there is but seems like it's for the jobs in the same workflow while the thing I need is a check across different workflows.
+ [2019-12-02T18:42:18Z] mertyildiran My question is; I want to use the Docker image that built by the Docker workflow in my test workflow. But I want the test workflow wait to finish the Docker build, if there is a Docker build. How can I achieve that with GitHub actions?
+ [2019-12-02T18:40:20Z] mertyildiran Hi, I have this workflow to build the Docker image and this workflow to run the tests