latest 11 messages by mesh

+ [2013-12-24T19:30:39Z] mesh well, thanks for the heklp. im just going to give up ont rying to build the blog on the server
+ [2013-12-24T19:26:29Z] mesh the default makrdown didnt work with code fencing ```, so i had to use redcarpet, but then the lang is passed to redcarpet by default
+ [2013-12-24T19:26:01Z] mesh ```
+ [2013-12-24T19:25:59Z] mesh with code fencing?
+ [2013-12-24T18:53:27Z] mesh hmm, doesnt seem to be a python issue
+ [2013-12-24T18:53:13Z] mesh it adds support for specifying syntax name for code blocks
+ [2013-12-24T18:40:50Z] mesh I think it is a python version problem
+ [2013-12-24T18:35:06Z] mesh Here is the trace output from the error :
+ [2013-12-24T18:33:53Z] mesh hmm, maybe
+ [2013-12-24T18:33:50Z] mesh Mac : ruby 2.0.0p247 (2013-06-27 revision 41674) ::: Linux : ruby 2.0.0p353 (2013-11-22 revision 43784) [x86_64-linux]
+ [2013-12-24T18:27:41Z] mesh Any tips on how to debug why 'jekyll build' is failing? It works on my main machine (OS X) but fails on the server (Linux). dependencies all seem to be the same version