latest 7 messages by mikeche1en

+ [2014-09-17T15:06:59Z] mikeche1en it sounds like setting it to pretty in the config does what you want for pages
+ [2014-09-17T15:06:42Z] mikeche1en im reading
+ [2014-09-17T15:06:01Z] mikeche1en do you have permalink set to pretty in the config?
+ [2014-09-17T15:01:54Z] mikeche1en if its just for 1 page you can do permalink: in yaml
+ [2014-09-14T21:50:46Z] mikeche1en hmm linenos=table fixes that problem but creates other alignment issues with my theme
+ [2014-09-14T21:45:47Z] mikeche1en does anyone else have a problem when using {% highlight linenos %} the highlighted code cannot be copied without including line numbers?