latest 12 messages by milktrader

+ [2013-11-13T19:25:15Z] milktrader oh, that was easy. Just put in the addresss
+ [2013-11-13T19:07:45Z] milktrader hmm, how do we provide links to other web pages in the text of a blog?
+ [2013-08-02T00:09:15Z] milktrader my error with rake generate was the result of a missing value in my about page in the date field, as you suspected
+ [2013-08-01T19:08:01Z] milktrader pontiki thanks for the lead (I know you're not here under that nic at least) -- my About index.markdown had a missing Date: field, (odd)
+ [2013-08-01T12:59:59Z] milktrader thanks pontiki for the lead, will look into it
+ [2013-08-01T02:59:38Z] milktrader pontiki
+ [2013-07-31T20:48:37Z] milktrader it appears it can't find the strftime method, which is likely not to be a new method in a patch, true
+ [2013-07-31T20:42:01Z] milktrader well 1.9.3 p194 to p448 solved nothing
+ [2013-07-31T19:51:51Z] milktrader plugins/date.rb:15:in `ordinalize': undefined method `strftime' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError)
+ [2013-07-31T19:51:50Z] milktrader getting this error with rake generate