latest 8 messages by millisami

+ [2013-07-07T13:43:11Z] millisami But do u know why that GH issue is disabled by @imathis?
+ [2013-07-07T13:42:14Z] millisami Shit!!, I just went with watch n watch, Thanks, for now the preview cmd worked.
+ [2013-07-07T13:27:20Z] millisami Then navigating to http://localhost:4000 doesn't load.
+ [2013-07-07T13:23:36Z] millisami Can be reproduced here:
+ [2013-07-07T13:23:23Z] millisami I have the issue where that the server is not fired up when running `bundle exec rake watch`
+ [2013-07-07T13:16:39Z] millisami anyone, direction?
+ [2013-07-07T13:16:30Z] millisami There is a link at that says to post issue on GH, but its a dead link. Why this? Where to post an issue?