latest 9 messages by minutemen

+ [2015-05-08T07:57:52Z] minutemen i understand you iveqy.., but i dont choose word hate to describe it.
+ [2015-05-08T07:53:23Z] minutemen i don't hate any idea or recommendation.., i appreciate any kind of them..
+ [2015-05-08T07:50:16Z] minutemen anyway, after search and read, i used atom
+ [2015-05-08T07:49:41Z] minutemen yeah i know, i'm as asking a recomendation bro..,
+ [2015-05-08T07:47:07Z] minutemen free text editor, btw i use windows
+ [2015-05-08T07:46:12Z] minutemen any recomendation of text editor to work with git?