latest 20 messages by miroshi

+ [2015-01-13T13:00:36Z] miroshi It is frustrating. It stops my web development right there.
+ [2015-01-13T13:00:07Z] miroshi Or to whom / where should I open a bug report?
+ [2015-01-13T12:59:52Z] miroshi Could it be that my version of Ruby (default for Ubuntu 14.04), is too old?
+ [2015-01-13T12:58:49Z] miroshi An error at a different line.
+ [2015-01-13T12:58:40Z] miroshi /usr/lib/ruby/1.9.1/rubygems/custom_require.rb:36:in `require': /var/lib/gems/1.9.1/gems/liquid-2.6.1/lib/liquid/condition.rb:18: syntax error, unexpected '}', expecting ':' (SyntaxError)
+ [2015-01-13T12:58:24Z] miroshi I tried some spaces around the '?', but now I get another error.
+ [2015-01-13T12:57:55Z] miroshi The line with the problem is: 'contains' => lambda { |cond, left, right| left && right ? left.include?(right) : false }
+ [2015-01-13T12:51:32Z] miroshi Looks like I am missing some dependency. Anybody has a clue what it is?
+ [2015-01-13T12:51:15Z] miroshi Greetings. When I make use if liquid's 'contains' operator, I get the following error: /var/lib/gems/1.9.1/gems/liquid-2.6.1/lib/liquid/condition.rb:18:in `block in <class:Condition>': undefined method `include?' for 1111884:Fixnum (NoMethodError)
+ [2015-01-11T17:13:10Z] miroshi s/pluging/plugin/g
+ [2015-01-11T17:13:02Z] miroshi What you are saying is that for #3, I could install the pluging with some 'gem ...' command...
+ [2015-01-11T17:12:05Z] miroshi It does not mention where to put it for point #2 and #3
+ [2015-01-11T17:11:56Z] miroshi I have downloaded a .rb file.
+ [2015-01-11T17:11:47Z] miroshi The 2).
+ [2015-01-11T17:11:44Z] miroshi That one I do not.
+ [2015-01-11T17:11:38Z] miroshi That one I understand and it works.
+ [2015-01-11T17:09:52Z] miroshi I fail to understand how Jekyll will figure out where my plugin is (${HOME}/Downloads) if I only put its name in an array for instance.
+ [2015-01-11T17:09:19Z] miroshi But documentation for point #2 and #3 need to be refined.
+ [2015-01-11T17:09:08Z] miroshi I tried point #1 and it works.
+ [2015-01-11T17:08:49Z] miroshi Which as stated, point #1 I understand. Points #2 and #3 are unclear how Jekyll would find the plugins.